
At Our Firm, You Aren’t Alone

At Our Firm, You Aren’t Alone


More and more people are in need of court orders granting them guardianship of a child in need of protection. McPhail Law can assist you in these legal guardianship court proceedings.

Our office has experience in these difficult proceedings helping numerous clients navigate the court process in obtaining guardianship of a child in their care or in the care of another individual. In these types of instances, it is best to contact us prior to any potential emergency situation arising so that we can properly prepare you in the event that an emergency situation does, in fact, take place.

The attorneys at McPhail Law have experience representing clients in guardianship proceedings. Our office can provide you with the time, guidance, and attention these difficult cases require.

You should have an experienced family law attorney on your side. We are the lawyers of McPhail Law. From our office in Wheeling, West Virginia, we can guide you through every step of your case.

If you would like to learn more, call (304) 905-9783 to schedule a consultation or send us an email.

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